Repeat this this for the second series choosing a different pattern. For a monochrome chart set the foreground color to black and the background color to white and select a fill pattern for the series. Choose Format Selection (just below this on the ribbon) and choose Fill > Pattern Fill. To see this at work select a chart and choose Chart Tools > Layout Tab and select the series to edit from the dropdown box at the top left of the ribbon. New to Microsoft Office 2010 is the ability to use grayscale pattern fills for your chart. In this post I'll show you some handy tips, tricks and techniques for creating charts in Excel that will help you get your work done more effectively. While the charts look better, not all the options you can use to make them more functional are immediately apparent. The charting tools in Microsoft Excel 20 are way better in looks and functionality from those that were available in earlier Excel versions. Some tips, tricks and techniques for better looking charts in Microsoft Excel.